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Hello, I'm Toby! Originally from the UK, I moved to Aoteroa as a child. Having lived in various parts of the country, I’ve found my home in                               , where I’m based now.

Finding a way to express my creativity was something pushed on me from a young age. My parents, both doctors, encouraged and supported me as I drew, painted, and made silly little movies on my Ipod touch.

 When I was young I would spend hours watching films and even more creating my own, and in highschool I was naturally drawn to media studies. Not only was it my favourite class but it made me realise I could do what I love as a career.

My passion has since blossomed. I have gone on to make commissioned short films, pieces for film festivals and much more. I’ve even worked in a cinema, seeing through the whole production process from start to finish. My roles have included director, cinematographer, production designer and writer.

With an eye for the artistic elements of production, as well as a strong aptitude for screenwriting, I create visually striking, yet thought provoking films and documentaries. I want to tell stories that are diverse and cerebral, that capture intrigue and humour, all the while having a distinct vision and aesthetic

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